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The Art of Healthy Living | Mindfulness

  • 9Steps
  • 9Participants


In the cacophony of life, we often catch ourselves stuck between reminiscing about our past and fantasising about our future. Meanwhile, what is lost is the essence of time’s true gift – the present moment. While we sail through life being clouded by memories and plans, we forget about living the present moment to the fullest, losing the opportunity to experience it in all its glory. This course is suitable if you aim to: - Bring more awareness and stability to your life - Learn the art of experiencing every moment to its fullest - Develop greater resilience to stress and improve your emotional regulation Course Objectives:- 1. Understand the core concept of mindfulness 2. Develop awareness of thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations with non-judgmental acceptance 3. Understand the impact of the practice on well-being, cognition, and other skills 4. Integrate mindfulness into daily life for enhanced presence, clarity, and compassion through various techniques Join this course and discover the art of mindfulness to foster a deeper and more meaningful connection with the present moment and your inner self. As you delve deeper into this practice, you will explore how it can help you fully engage with an experience, minimize stress and anxiety, and enhance your inner peace and overall well-being.

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