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Healing From the Roots: Tackling Trauma

  • 7Steps
  • 2Participants
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As we sail through life, certain traumatic events and experiences leave a lasting impact on our being. You may understand trauma as a garden infested with weeds. As each weed represents a painful memory or an unresolved emotion, its widespread growth suffocates the garden. While the garden may still look green and lush, it is in fact choked and tangled, unable to grow and flourish. Through theoretical learning and real-life examples, in this course, we will understand how trauma acts as a silent predator, often hidden in the background of life and yet deeply impacting every aspect of our being. In the same context, trauma work is the process of tending to this garden. As we recognise these weeds and their impact on the garden, we remove each weed with proper tools and techniques. While certain weeds may be deep-rooted, growing for years, unnoticed and hidden, some may be just saplings. However, with care and patience, each of these can be tended to, making room for immense growth, health, and flourishment. This course will teach us how this integrative approach to healing, which includes therapies and self-care practices, empowers individuals to reclaim their lives, building a new reality of safety and empowerment. This course is suitable for you: 1. If you aim to understand how trauma impacts the mind and body of a person 2. If you are curious to understand how one can heal from trauma 3. If you aim to learn about the profound impact of trauma work on the overall well-being of a trauma survivor Course Objectives - Understand the core concept of trauma - Understand the various types of trauma - Learn how trauma impacts the physical, mental, and psychological well-being - Understand the core concept of trauma work - Explore what the journey of trauma work looks like - Learn the various ways of self-care that prove instrumental in trauma work.

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